Firewall Rules for Cloud Connectivity

Last updated: July 5th, 2023 - 1 min. read

The ReadyView dashboard provides centralized management, optimization, and monitoring of ReadyLinks devices. In order to manage a ReadyLinks device through the dashboard, it must be able to communicate with the ReadyLinks cloud over a secure tunnel. This tunnel is created between ReadyLinks devices and dashboard to pass management and reporting traffic in both directions.

Because the dashboard is located on the public internet, the tunnel is always initiated outbound from the managed device. Once a connection is established, the device maintains the connection by occasionally sending packets and receiving a response. When a firewall or gateway exists in the data path between the managed device and the dashboard, certain protocols and port numbers must be permitted outbound through the firewall for the secure tunnel to function.

Addresses and ports to allow

ReadyLinks resolves to and, utilizing encrypted HTTPs port 443. Fundamentally, ReadyLinks needs to be able to resolve time (NTP), domain name service (DNS), and utilize encrypted traffic implementations on port 443 (SSL).

Example firewall configuration

Connection Tests

ReadyLinks devices can run tests to determine the uplink status.

Verify device configurations via CLI
  • Run command 'show vlan interface' to verify management IP address information
  • Run command 'show dns' to verify DNS information
  • Run command 'show sntp' to verify SNTP (time) settings
  • Note: If you have configured a static management IP address, you must also set the DNS nameservers manually on the device (dns nameserver1 nameserver2

    Check ReadyView connection status via CLI
  • Run command 'show readyview connection all'