Last updated: April 21st, 2023 - 5 min. read
VectorBoost Git Repo:
VectorBoost technology improves the throughput of ReadyLinks lines by allocating network resources in real time according to the current needs of traffic, overcoming the throughput limit imposed by the lines’ crosstalk and providing the users with much higher peak capacity just when they need it. The VectorBoost Compute Engine (VBCE) can run locally inside the ReadyLinks switch or in the cloud, leveraging additional computing power and ensuring scalability for high density deployments.
*Note vectorboost only applies to twisted pair devices, it is not applicable to coax devices.
The vectorboost compute "engine" is the mechanism responsible for computing the optimal transmission strategy based on the information provided by the "driver" for each instant. The strategy is then relayed to the "driver" which then distributes it to all the Domain Masters.
State | Description |
DISCOVERING_DOMAIN_WAIT_EMPTY | The vectorboost engine sends the driver a domain discovery request to get the nodes that it should manage, but finds the domain is empty. |
ALIGNMENT_PREPARE_I | The vectorboost engine initiates the alignment sequence. |
ALIGNMENT_PREPARE_ALL | The vectorboost engine prepares Inter Domain Synchronization (Alignment). Alignment is required to ensure that all of the lines that belong to the same engine share the same start of the MAC cycle and the same MAC sequence number. |
ALIGNMENT_CHECK_SYNC | The vectorboost engine checks that all the lines in the domain are synchronized. |
MEASURING_COLLECT_MEAS | This stage is where crosstalk measurements are collected from each node and relayed to the engine. |
MEASURING_MEASPLAN_END_WAIT | This stage enables the engine to measure the crosstalk impact of each line to the rest of the lines. |
BOOSTING_WAIT_TRIGGERS | The vectorboost engine has completed the domain discovery and alignment steps and is waiting for bandwidth to be requested. |
PD_SHAPING | The vectorboost engine is dynamically shaping the PSD of each node. The level of PSD that applies to a node is determined by the CDTA algorithm. This PSD level minimizes the crosstalk and maximizes the throughput. |
BOOSTING_WAIT_UPDATE | The vectorboost engine is currently allocating PSD levels to certain nodes, "boosting", and is waiting for new bandwidth utilization metrics to update the PSD. |
CLOCK_RSP_WAIT | A common clock signal that is usually 50Hz is shared by all DMs in the system. The vectorboost engine waits for the common clock to align, or semi align, the MAC cycle start time. |
The vectorboost "driver" communicates with the Domain Masters and receives data regarding the network status such as interferences and throughput requirements. This data is then transmitted to the "engine" which then calculates the optimal transmission strategy.
By default, ReadyLinks switches run vectorboost locally each device. You can modify this behaviour by disabling vectorboost completely or pointing the device to a remote vectorboost instance.
*Note that the vectorboost driver communicates with the Domain Master nodes on VLAN 1. Excluding VLAN 1 from ports will block communication between the nodes the vectorboost driver, which in turn, will negatively impact throughput performance.
GL-24xT-P600D# configure terminal
GL-24xT-P600D(config)# readyview vectorboost local
GL-24xT-P600D(config)# exit
GL-24xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Local
VectorBoost Engine Version : 3.0 r067
VectorBoost Driver Version : 3.0 r187
VectorBoost Engine Status : BOOSTING_WAIT_TRIGGERS
VectorBoost Driver Status : CONNECTED
The vectorboost "driver" communicates with the Domain Masters and receives data regarding the network status such as interferences and throughput requirements. This data is then transmitted to the "engine" which then calculates the optimal transmission strategy.
GL-24xT-P600D# configure terminal
GL-24xT-P600D(config)# readyview vectorboost server-ip
GL-24xT-P600D(config)# exit
GL-24xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Server-IP
Vectorboost allows end users to run 1Gbps symmetrical speedtests by dynamically allocating bandwidth based on download and upload throughput requirements.
GL-12xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Local
VectorBoost Engine Version : 3.0 r067
VectorBoost Driver Version : 3.0 r187
VectorBoost Engine Status : BOOSTING_WAIT_TRIGGERS
VectorBoost Driver Status : CONNECTED
GL-12xT-P600D# show ghn interface
Interface Master_ID Link Local_MAC Remote_MAC Physical_DS/US_Speed(Mbps) Wire_Length(m) Estimated_XPUT(Mbps) Estimated_XPUT_DS/US(Mbps)
Ghn1 97 down 0013.ba0a.5a30 0000.0000.0000 -/- -(m) -(Mbps)
Ghn1.1 98 up 0013.ba0a.5a30 0013.ba0a.3b4e 246/260 3(m) 2672(Mbps) 1336/1336
GL-12xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Local
VectorBoost Engine Version : 3.0 r067
VectorBoost Driver Version : 3.0 r187
VectorBoost Engine Status : BOOSTING_WAIT_UPDATE
VectorBoost Driver Status : PDSHAPING
GL-12xT-P600D# show ghn interface
Interface Master_ID Link Local_MAC Remote_MAC Physical_DS/US_Speed(Mbps) Wire_Length(m) Estimated_XPUT(Mbps) Estimated_XPUT_DS/US(Mbps)
Ghn1 97 down 0013.ba0a.5a30 0000.0000.0000 -/- -(m) -(Mbps)
Ghn1.1 98 up 0013.ba0a.5a30 0013.ba0a.3b4e 1243/260 3(m) 2672(Mbps) 1336/1336
GL-12xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Local
VectorBoost Engine Version : 3.0 r067
VectorBoost Driver Version : 3.0 r187
VectorBoost Engine Status : BOOSTING_WAIT_UPDATE
VectorBoost Driver Status : PDSHAPING
GL-12xT-P600D# show ghn interface
Interface Master_ID Link Local_MAC Remote_MAC Physical_DS/US_Speed(Mbps) Wire_Length(m) Estimated_XPUT(Mbps) Estimated_XPUT_DS/US(Mbps)
Ghn1 97 down 0013.ba0a.5a30 0000.0000.0000 -/- -(m) -(Mbps)
Ghn1.1 98 up 0013.ba0a.5a30 0013.ba0a.3b4e 255/1124 3(m) 2672(Mbps) 1336/1336
Before troubleshooting VectorBoost, it is crucial that the copper connection between the ReadyLinks switch port and the ReadyLinks client is connected properly. For more information on how on cabling best practices, click here.
GL-12xT-P600D# show ghn interface
Interface Master_ID Link Local_MAC Remote_MAC Physical_DS/US_Speed(Mbps) Wire_Length(m) Estimated_XPUT(Mbps) Estimated_XPUT_DS/US(Mbps)
Ghn1 97 down 0013.ba0a.5a30 0000.0000.0000 -/- -(m) -(Mbps)
Ghn1.1 98 up 0013.ba0a.5a30 0013.ba0a.3b4e 1732/1643 34(m) 0(Mbps) 0/0
GL-12xT-P600D# show readyview vectorboost
VectorBoost : Local
VectorBoost Engine Version : 3.0 r067
VectorBoost Driver Version : 3.0 r187
VectorBoost Engine Status : MEASURING_COLLECT_MEAS
VectorBoost Driver Status : CONNECTED
GL-12xT-P600D# configure terminal
GL-12xT-P600D(config)# vlan 1
GL-12xT-P600D(vlan1)# switchport untagged ethernet Ghn1
You can restart vectorboost by simply disabling and re-enabling it. Note that each domain master restarts when you disable or enable VectorBoost.
GL-12xT-P600D# configure terminal
GL-12xT-P600D(config)# readyview vectorboost disable
GL-12xT-P600D(config)# readyview vectorboost local